CS:GO Input Commands All In-game Trigger Actions for Binds

All CS:GO Input Commands:

Console Command:Description:
The "+use" command will start to use an item or object in Counterstrike like clicking the default key "E".
Afterwards, close it with the "-use" command.
The command "+zoom" will zoom a sniper weapon, until "-zoom" is used. It can also be used for secondary weapon functions.
Show the scorebard with the command "+score" and hide it again with "-score".
- alt1
"+alt1" activates the ALT1 key on your keyboard (the left one of your keyboard), it works like holding it down. "-alt1" will stop the action.
"+alt2" activates the ALT2 key on your keyboard (the right one of your keyboard), it works like holding it down. "-alt2" will stop the action.
The CS:GO command "+attack" lets the player attack repeatedly until "-attack" is used to stop it.
The command "+attack2" lets the player attack with the secondary attack repeatedly until "-attack2" is used.
If any single shot have been fired the "+reload" commands lets the player reload the weapon automatically until "-reload" is used.
Lets the player move backward continuously until -back is used.
+duckLets the player crouch. Works lioke holding the left CTRL button.
-duck ends the crouch command.
The CS:GO command "+forward" lets your player move forward until "-forward" is used.
+walkThe "+walk" command does not work anymore in CS:GO.
The "+jump" command lets the player jump once, but it needs to be stopped with "-jump" to use it again.
The "+movedown" commands works in the "noclip" mode and in CS:GO demos and will let your camera move downwards until "-movedown" is used.
The command "+moveleft" lets the character move to the left until "-moveleft" is used.
The command "+moveright" lets the character move to the left until "-moveright" is used.
Works only in noclip mode and demos, the command "+moveup" lets your camera move upwards until "-moveup" is used.
The camera spins to the right with the command "+right" until "-right" stops it.
The camera spins to the left with the command "+left" until "-left" stops it.
Show and hide the statistics graph with "+graph" and "-graph".
The command "+speed" slows down the movement speed until "-speed" is used.
Returns the normal running speed if the player was slowed down before with another command like "+speed". Prevents the mouse from being able to view everywhere, strafing causes to look where the movement goes to.
Record your own in-game voice with the command "+voicerecord" until "-voicerecord is used.
Allows using a joystick to move the camera.
The CS:GO command "+klook" prevents from being able to move forward with the keyboard until "-klook" is used.
air_density [Air Density ]Change the air density with the command "air_density" like it is on surfing maps.
gamepadslot1-6This command will simulate pressing the gamepad slot 1 button (if you have gamepad enabled). Use "gamepadslot1" up to "gamepadslot6".

What are CS:GO Input Commands?

CS:GO input commands are a list of actions that can be triggered in-game. These actions can be bound to keys onto your mouse, keyboard, or joystick or also added to custom binds. This gives you control over every action you want to perform in CS:GO like attacking, moving and using items.

How to use CS:GO Input Commands?

CS GO ConsoleTo use CS:GO input commands choose one of the CS:GO input commands from the table above and use it inside the developer console. To bind an input command to a key use the “bind” function.

To bind the normal attack to your left mouse button, which should be enabled by default use the following command:

bind mouse1 +attack
For more binds, checkout the CS:GO bind command page.