CS:GO Launch Commands Best Launch Options & How to Use

All CS:GO Launch Commands:

Launch Command:Description:
-consoleBasic command to enable the console via launch commands. You can find a helpful guide for the CS:GO console here.
-tickrate [tick rate]The tickrate launch option sets the tick rate of any server/single player game to the number that you enter. (“-tickrate 128” recommended). In effect, any “Offline With Bots” games you play will be ran at this tickrate.
+fps_max [amount]The fps max launchoption sets the maximum FPS (frames per second) of CS:GO. Replace [amount] with the amount you want to limit your game to. Setting it to 0 ("-fps_max 0") will remove any limit, making your game run at the highest FPS possible. Here you can find the extensive CS:GO FPS guide.
-refresh [refresh rate]Set the refresh rate of your client. By using "-refresh 144" you simply set the refresh rate in Hz to 144hz, that means how many times per second your monitor will recheck if there is a change. It's like fps.
+mat_disable_fancy_blending 1Disables fancy blending of textures. It lets CS:GO textures appear less detailed and more smooth. This can also increase the FPS.
-fullscreenForce CS:GO to start in fullscreen mode.
-windowedForce CS:GO to start in windowed mode.
-noborderRemoves the border from CS:GO window mode (i.e. there will be no Windows UI that usually shows the "X/Maximize/Minimize" buttons in the top right).
+exec [file name]The launch option exec simply executes all commands inside a (config) file. Just enter the name of the file after exec, for example like this: "-exec autoexec.cfg", make sure to place the file into the correct CS:GO folder: "Steam\SteamApps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\cfg"
-d3d9exThis launch command enables DirectX 9Ex which can reduce CPU memory usage by up to 40%, which is the default setting in CS:GO. You can switch the Direct X version if you want to.
-disable_d3d9exThis launch option disables DirectX 9Ex.
+cl_forcepreload 1Forces your client to preload models.
-highLaunches CS:GO in high priority mode, which can improve the performance.
-r_emulate_gThis CS:GO launch command for Windows computers emulates OpenGL, which can increase the FPS.
-softparticlesdefaultoffRender particles without feathering (scene depth blending).
-no-browserDisables the in-game browser that shows in servers as welcome messages (not the Steam overlay). Not required in the Panorama UI.
-nopreloadForces models to not preload. Not recommended in a normal case. Loads maps faster and will create a worse performance in the ongoing game, when models are loaded when they're needed.
-nohltvTurns off all Source TV features.
-novidThe intro video will be automatically skipped when Counterstrike Global Offensive gets launched.
-nojoyThe nojoy launch command, removes all of the joystick support rules, which can save RAM.
-limitvsconstLimits hardware vertex shader constants to 256.
-forcenovsyncForces CS:GO to not use VSync, which synchronizes the refresh rate of a monitor with the ingame fps.
-threads [amount]Set a specific amount of processor threads that CS:GO will use. Not recommended, as CS:GO chooses the best options by default.
+violence_hblood 0Removes blood from the game.
-language [language name]Simply use "-language english" to start CS:GO in English or any desired language.
-width [width]Set the width of your CS:GO window in pixels for example "-width 1280".
-height [height]Sets the height of your CS:GO window in pixels for example "-height 780"
-x [position horizontally]By default you use the exact middle of a screen as the middle, by using "-x 100" CS:GO starts with a 100px margin to the left.
-y [position vertically]Same as for the x-axis, the y-axis creates a margin to the top or the bottom.
+r_dynamic [0 / 1]Disable dynamic lighting by using "+r_dynamic 0" to improve the FPS.
-autoconfigForces CS:GO to start with the default configuration settings for the game, all changes that have been made during playing will be reset. This can help before using downloaded configs.

What are the Best CS:GO Launch Options?

The best and recommended CS:GO Launch options depend on the system you are running the game on. The best launch commands are those, which make it easier for you to play CS:GO fluently and on a high level.

Best CS GO Launch CommandsEvery computer setup is different, everyone has different hardware, software and internet connection. It’s important to understand that CS:GO launch options have to be adjusted to the conditions of your pc setup.

That means there are not “the best launch commands” that work for everyone, but I have written down recommended CS:GO launch commands that everyone should use. 😉 The CS:GO developers themselves claim that the “best launch options for Counterstrike” are no-launch options – but that’s just about the default setup to make sure the game is running on every computer.

Let’s find out which CS:GO launch options are the best for you and from which you can really benefit from.

Recommended CS:GO Launch Commands:

These are the most basic and standart launch commands, that are recommmended for everyone:

Lauch Command:Description:
-tickrate 128The tickrate launch option sets the tick rate of any server/single player game to the number that you enter. (“-tickrate 128” recommended). In effect, any “Offline With Bots” games you play will be ran at this tickrate.
+fps_max 0The fps max launchoption sets the maximum FPS (frames per second) of CS:GO. Replace [amount] with the amount you want to limit your game to. Setting it to 0 (“-fps_max 0”) will remove any limit, making your game run at the highest FPS possible. Here you can find the extensive CS:GO FPS guide.
-novidThe intro video will be automatically skipped and you go straight to the game menu.
-nojoyThe nojoy command, removes all of the joystick support rules, which can save RAM.

What are CS:GO Launch Options?

CS:GO launch options or launch commands are settings with which you start the game, that allows you to edit the Counterstrike default configurations. This means some options can’t be changed in-game/while the game is running and must be set up before.

Through launch commands, you can dramatically save performance, boost your FPS, and ensure better game stability. Furthermore, it is necessary for a lot of tools like the important CSGO console. On this page you can find all CS:GO launch commands in the list above. Just copy the command and add it to your launch options of CS:GO.

How to use CS:GO Launch Options?

  • First of all make sure CS:GO is not running. Now move your mouse cursor over the steam tray icon, right click it, and choose the Steam game “library”.Steam Game Library
  • Now you can see a list of all of your games. Find Counterstrike Global Offensive and rightclick it and choose “properties”.
    CS GO launch properties
  • In the open window, now click on the button “set launch options”.
    CS GO Launch Options
  • In the following window, you can enter the CS:GO launch commands you want to use. You can use as many launch options as you want, just make sure to seperate them with a space. Afterwards click ok to save the new launch commands and start CS:GO.
    How to use Launch Commands in CS GO

CS:GO Launch Options to Improve the Game:

Beside the recommended CS:GO launch commands I have listed above, you can improve the system. This is different for every computer and needs to be adjusted to what you personally need.

CS:GO Launch Options to ALT + TAB out of the Game Faster:

Every CS:GO player knows it: It’s important to tab in and out superfast. If tabbing out to windows takes time, it is extremely annoying, so adjust Counterstrike to always tab quickly. Here the correct Direct X version helps a lot.
The command “-d3d9ex” enables DirectX 9Ex, but it’s nowadays (since April 2019) a default CS:GO launch option. You don’t have to change it anymore.

How to change the CS:GO Screen Resolution with Launch Options?

To change the CS:GO screen resolution you can use the ingame settings menu or launch commands. It’s recommended to use the game settings, because they allow you to setup the desired outcome faster. To use the launch options for the screen resolution size of Coutnerstrike, use the following commands.

-w [width]Set the exact width of your CS:GO screen resolution in pixels.
-h [height]Set the exact height of your CS:GO screen resolution in pixels.
To play with a CS:GO screen resolution of 1280×720 you would simply type the following launch command:
-w 1280 -h 780

How to improve the CS:GO FPS through Launch Commands?

To improve the FPS in CS:GO through launch options, simply use the following commands:
+fps_max 0 -nojoy -high -fullscreen +mat_disable_fancy_blending 1 +cl_forcepreload 1 -limitvsconst -forcenovsync +r_dynamic 0 To benefit from each one of the launch commands, turn them on one by one. Start with one and test your FPS changes, then add another launch command and retest the game.

+fps_max 0The fps max launchoption sets the maximum FPS (frames per second) of CS:GO. Replace [amount] with the amount you want to limit your game to. Setting it to 0 (“-fps_max 0”) will remove any limit, making your game run at the highest FPS possible.
-nojoyThe nojoy launch command, removes all of the joystick support rules, which can save RAM.
-highLaunches CS:GO in high priority mode, which can improve the performance.
-fullscreenForce CS:GO to start in fullscreen mode.
+mat_disable_fancy_blending 1Disables fancy blending of textures. It lets CS:GO textures appear less detailed and more smooth. This can also increase the FPS.
+cl_forcepreload 1Force CS:GO to start in fullscreen mode.
-limitvsconstLimits hardware vertex shader constants to 256.
-forcenovsyncForces CS:GO to not use VSync, which synchronizes the refresh rate of a monitor with the ingame fps.
+r_dynamic 0Disable dynamic lighting by using “+r_dynamic 0” to improve the FPS.
+mat_queue_mode 2Set the queue/thread mode to asynchronous, don’t change this if you are not sure what your are doing. Can increase or decrease the FPS.
-disable_d3d9exThis launch option disables DirectX 9Ex.
-r_emulate_gThis CS:GO launch command for Windows computers emulates OpenGL, which can increase the FPS.
-softparticlesdefaultoffRender particles without feathering (scene depth blending).
Info: You only have to do use any of these launch commands, if you are facing FPS problems, or if your goal is to reach as much FPS as possible.

How to use Autoexec Config Files through CS:GO Launch Commands?

You need to name the file “autoexec.cfg” and place it into the correct CS:GO folder:
Steam\SteamApps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\cfg Now simply add the launch command “+exec autoexec.cfg” to your CS:GO properties. Now the file gets loaded if the game starts. You can rename the file.

To download pro config files browse our crosshair section.

What is an Autoexec file in CS:GO?

An Autoexec file in CS:GO is a text file that contains a list of commands for Counterstrike Global Offensive. These commands get executed when CS:GO is launched. Autoexec files are useful because you can save the commands, and whenever CS:GO is launched it will load. A lot of commands get reset to the default when CS:GO is closed.

How to force CS:GO through Launch Commands to use 144hz for the Monitor?

The common monitor refresh rate is 144hz, and if you want to make sure CS:GO is using the correct amount for this simply use the launch command “-refresh 144”. This will work out of the box by default with the standard CS:GO game settings, but with the launch command you can make sure to use the exact size.

How to use 144hz in Windows 10, 8 and 7?

  • Windows 10: Simply browse your display settings in the start menu and click on “Change display settings”. Now scroll to the bottom to open the window and search for the advanced display settings. Now choose “display adaptor properties” choose the monitor tab and set the screen refresh rate to 144h as well. Afterward, press save.
  • For Windows 7 and 8: Rightclick your desktop, choose screen resolution, and select the correct monitor on which you are playing CS:GO. Now click on change settings, choose advanced settings, go to the monitor tab, and also set the screen refresh rate to 144hz. Simply save the settings and launch CS:GO.
In my opinion you can use the default hz monitor frame rates.
CS:GO is doing well in figuring out the correct frame rate that perfectly fits. 😉