All CS:GO HUD Commands Hud Customization Config List
All CS:GO HUD Commands:
Console Command: | Function: |
hud_scaling 0.5 | Change HUD size. |
cl_hud_playercount_pos 0 | Change player counter position. Screen top or bottom. |
cl_hud_playercount_showcount 0 | 0 = The player counter will display the avatars, 1 = The counter will display the number of remaining players. |
cl_hud_color 0 | Change the colors of the HUD elements. 0 = Normal, 1 = White, 2 = Light Blue, 3 = Dark Blue, 4 = Purple, 5 = Red, 6 = Orange, 7 = Yellow, 8 = Green, 9 = Aquamarine, 10 = Pink. |
cl_hud_background_alpha 0.5 | Allows you to change the background transparency of some HUD elements. |
cl_hud_bomb_under_radar 1 | Change the position of the bomb icon. |
cl_hud_healthammo_style 0 | Show / Hide the health and shield display bars, and the HUD bullet display bar. |
cl_showloadout 0 | 1 = Always displays the equipment on the right side of the screen. 0 = After a while, it will stop displaying the equipment until the weapon is changed. |
cl_loadout_colorweaponnames 0 | 1 = The name of the weapons changes color according to their rarity. 0 = The weapons name is displayed in white. |
cl_show_clan_in_death_notice 1 | 0 = Does not display clan / group tag in death notifications. 1 = Displays the clan / group tag in the death notifications. |
safezonex 1 | Changes HUD position horizontally. |
safezoney 1 | Changes HUD position vertically. |
net_graph 1 | Show information: fps, ping, tick... |
net_graphproportionalfont 1 | Change net_graph size. 0 = Small; 1 = Normal |
cl_showfps 1 | Show your FPS. To improve your FPS, find my FPS improvement guide for CS:GO here. |
cl_drawhud 0 | Hide HUD |
What are CS:GO
HUD Commands for?
HUD stands for “heads up display” and describes the in-game overlay in CS:GO when playing. HUD commands in CS:GO allows us to change the HUD visually to adjust it to personal needs. HUD commands are useful to change the visibility, the size, the order and also the colors of UI elements.
To the UI elements belong the weapon stash with the ammunition, the HP and armor display, the radar, the team and enemy team avatar area, the money amount and all other small elements that you can see in CS:GO.
The net graph is also an important feature of the HUD commands, which displays connection and display statistics on the screen.
How to use CS:GO HUD Commands?
To use CS:GO HUD commands, add the given commands from the table to your CS:GO developer console or to your config file. Below you can find a detailled step by step tutorial how to use a CS:GO HUD command:
Launch CS:GO and open the console with your linked hotkey. To enable the console open the menu and activate it and also setup a key. Now make sure that the console is open.
- Choose a command from the table above, where all CS:GO HUD commands are listed. To give an example, type the following command to increase the size of your overall HUD scaling.
hud_scaling 0.8
- Hit enter and see how the command impacted your CS:GO HUD. Join a Bot game and test around with all of the HUD commands to make it perfectly.
Tip: To add the HUD commands to your CS:GO config file, read the following guide how to edit the cfg file.
I created an extensive guide how to adjust the CS:GO HUD and how to change the colors. Read this guide to find out how to use the CS:GO HUD commands well: